On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Daniel Cavalcanti
<necr0pote...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe I have found the alien include which leads to windows.h being
> included.
> The include path is this (-> denotes includes). WAxis.C -> WAxis ->
> WDateTime -> boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp -> ends up including
> windows.h.
> Several other Wt files have this issue and I found a comment in WApplication
> which says:
> // even boost/poolfwd.hpp includes <windows.h> ...
> Maybe its a common problem that Boost includes windows.h so much. Anyways,
> this is the source of my problems compiling in Windows.
> I`m using Wt 3.1.0, fresh download/install and Boost 1.37.0. Maybe its a
> matter of Boost version?

Quite possible, I am using 1.42.0 and I can do a clean build of Wt
through CMake on MSVC2k5 with no issues.

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