Our software package needs to register an Active X Control.   
Currently I do it with the following:

    <Property Id='REGSVR'>regsvr32.exe</Property>

     <CustomAction Id="RegisterOCX" Return="asyncNoWait"  
Property="REGSVR" ExeCommand='/s "[INSTALLDIR]MyControl.ocx"' />

       <Custom Action="RegisterOCX" After="InstallFinalize"/>

This works fine on Windows XP.  Windows Vista works fine on my  
computer, but on another computer the install completes without  
registering the OCX successfully.  I try to manually register the OCX  
on the user's computer and I get an Error 0x80070005.  From what I've  
read, this indicates a permission problem, even though the user is an  

Should I be following another method to register the OCX so it  
consistently registers?

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