In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    "Jim Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes:

> Is there some way to define a QFE-like mechanism by using WiX?

Windows Installer addresses updates as patches, minor upgrades, or
major upgrades.  I recommend Phil Wilson's book "The Definitive Guide
to Windows Installer"

He does a really good job of explaining how to update installed
products using any of these mechanisms (patches or upgrades) using
Windows Installer.

To create patches in WiX 2.0, you use WiX to define a patch creation
properties file with the PatchCreation element.  This file is then fed
to msimsp.exe (from the Windows Installer SDK) to create the .msp patch
file.  I believe WiX 3.0 has a different mechanism for creating .msp

Minor upgrades can be distributed as patches (deltas) or as whole

Major upgrades are distributed as whole distributions.
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" -- DirectX 9 draft available for download

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