You don't want to call MSBuild *from* WiX. Instead you want to mave MSBuild
call WiX. Attached is my MSBuild project file that calls candle.exe and
light.exe to build an MSI file.

You can see that I have the path to the WiX bin folder hard-coded (and my
machine is x64). So as an improvement you could use the MSBuild Community
Tasks ( to read the registry (via
RegistryRead) to dynamically determine the install location of WiX.

Hope this helps.


On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 1:08 AM, Krishnan Senthilraj <

> Hi,
> I am new to Wix and MSBuild area. I have one fundamental quention.
> I completed all the building of my application in MSBuild. Now I am writing
> Wix construction. I was under impressing we can call the MSBuild project
> inside Wix.
> I am trying examples for this. But unfortunately I didn't get that. So I
> would like to confirm with this group that *Is it possible and workable
> solution to call the MSBuild project inside the Wix?*
> If answer is yes then please give some links/direction to acheive the same.
> Cheers
> Senthilraj
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<Project xmlns=""; 

    <WixDir>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Installer XML v3\bin</WixDir>

    <WixExt>-ext WixNetFxExtension -ext WixUIExtension</WixExt>

    <!-- This is overridden by the parent MSBuild file which calls this -->

  <!-- Clean intermediate files -->
  <Target Name="clean-int-files">
    <Delete Files="VisibleStatement.wixobj;VisibleStatement.wixpdb" />

  <!-- Clean all files -->
  <Target Name="clean" DependsOnTargets="clean-int-files">
    <Delete Files="VisibleStatement.msi" />

  <!-- Build the installer -->
  <Target Name="installer" DependsOnTargets="clean">
    <Exec Command='"$(WixDir)\candle.exe" $(WixExt) -dVersion="$(Version)" 
          WorkingDirectory="." Outputs="VisibleStatement.wixobj" />
    <Exec Command='"$(WixDir)\light.exe" $(WixExt) VisibleStatement.wixobj'
          WorkingDirectory="." Outputs="VisibleStatement.msi" />
    <Delete Files="VisibleStatement.wixobj;VisibleStatement.wixpdb" />

    <!-- Sign the installer package. -->
    <Exec Command="signtool.exe sign /v /f ..\Greenidea.pfx /p 
PleaseSignMeChris /t 
VisibleStatement.msi" />

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