> And "C:\Program Files\PATH\TO\FILE.xml" exists when the action is about
> to take place? Are you sure that file was written by your install? What
> do the log entries around that file being written say? Is it possible
> that the component placing that file somehow doesn't work when you
> include that action?

I have it implemented as 2 or more components. One lays down the file and the 
others change values depending on whether the property was set or not.

<Component Id="cmp..." Directory="Dir.AppFolder" Guid="*">
  <File Id="fil..." Source="SourceDir\File.xml"/>

<Component Id="set.MYPROPERTY" Directory="Dir.AppFolder" Guid="*">
  <RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="$(var.InstallKey)"
                 Name="MyProperty" Value="1" Type="integer"/>
  <util:XmlConfig Action="create" Node="value" On="install"
                  Id="MyProperty" File="[#fil...]"
                  Name="@attributeName" Value="[MYPROPERTY]"/>

It turns out that Name="@attributeName" is wrong. The correct way to do it is 
to use Name="attributeName".

The log didn't help figure that out though... I had to look very carefully at 
examples to notice my typo.
> /l*v log-file is the same as the "voicewarmup" (the * includes every
> letter except v and x) when passed using the command-line. The key
> being referred to is described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
> us/library/aa369776(VS.85).aspx. The values can be determined by
> following links on that page.

Thanks for the link and explanation!

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