In article <>,
    "little.forest" <>  writes:

> "Additionally, you can't have more than one NewDialog control event
> on a button, even if the conditions are mutually exclusive."

At one point I found this buried in the MSI documentation; I don't
recall where it was offhand, but we had a series of dialogs with
complex conditional transitions between them.  Occasionally, buttons
would just cease to work and the dialog sequence was hung.
Eventually we tracked it back to this constraint.  Once we went the
route of using a property to specify the target dialog and changed
everything to only a single NewDialog event per control, then
everything worked properly again.

The annoying thing is that it will *appear* to work until it doesn't
and there's no unifying principle as to when it will work and when it
won't.  Its a little more work to do things through the property, but
it is guaranteed to work every single time that way.
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