The WiX manual contains the following:


"The first is a RemoveFolder element, which ensures the
ApplicationProgramsFolder is correctly removed from the Start Menu when the
user uninstalls the application. The second creates a registry entry on
install that indicates the application is installed."


I have two question about this:


(1) Why do I have to care about removing the start menu folder? I know, that
this is some issue with the Windows Installer Server (even I actually do not
understand the issue). But since it is a *general* issue that *any* Start
Menu folder will suffer from, why does WiX not solve the problem on it's own
but instead forces the .wsi author to remind this in each and every .wsi


(2) If I (as an MSI beginner) understood correctly, the idea of the key file
is to have one unique "thing" that Windows Installer will check to see if
the component is installed currently. What I do not understand here is, why
the the abovementioned example is using an artifical (not further needed)
registry key to remind itself about the need to remove the Start Menu
folder? I mean, why isn't it possible to reference the start menu folder
itself, or at least, why not referencing the installation's main file
instead of introducing an artificial registry entry?


Sorry for my silly questions, but I want to really understand this, and MSDN
does not really say why but only what.




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