On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 10:39 PM, John Robbins <j...@wintellect.com> wrote:
> Hello K,
> Glad my blog entry could help. However, I didn't go into the icon stuff as I 
> figured that was common knowledge, but that was a mistake on my part, I'm 
> sorry! You've done everything right so far. :)

Not common knowledge but admittedly outside of working with C#/.NET
for a bit to get my company going I am clearly a neophyte when it
comes to the ins and outs of the Windows Installer.  :-)

> The icon for SETUP.EXE is defined in the in a .RC (resource compiler) file. 
> What I copy .\inc\wix.rc to into the same directory as setup.rc and changed 
> the name of the file to Wintellect.rc. Opening up setup.rc in a text editor, 
> I change the #include line from wix.rc to Wintellect.rc. In Wintellect.rc, I 
> changed all the values to reflect my information and added a line:
> 1 ICON .\Resources\Wintellect.ico

Perfect advice and now my .exe does exactly what I want.  The only
changes I had to make to the above were for:
  - my company name.
  - removing header files from my.rc that weren't needed or relevant.
  - changing names and versions in winver.h, etc.
  - making sure that 'ICON' was enclosed in quotes to ensure that C++
compiler didn't choke on ".." in its provided location.

Again, thanks!


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