Okay, so after digging through the code, I noticed that when generating the
bootstrapper using the -mi option, setup.exe does something interesting:

   dwUiLevelPackage |= INSTALLUILEVEL_PROGRESSONLY; // don't throw any scary
error dialogs
My C++ is very rusty (haven't done any coding in it since 1998), but to me
it seems that removing this line should fix the problem I'm running into at
the moment. I did try a debug version of my modified EXE, but it keeps
exiting with: EXEC : error 0x80070002: Failed to CreateSetup.

Also, I haven't setup NANT yet, so I'm just trying to get the project to
build in VS2008


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Jacques Eloff <repst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I create a chained installer using SetupBld using a commandline like the
> one below
> setupbld.exe -mi MSI1.msi -mi MSI2.msi -mi MSI3 -title "Foo" -setup
> obj\chained\tempsrc\setup.exe -license docs\EULA.rtf -out MySetup.exe
> When I launch the exe using /quiet, I still get a progress bar and the
> installer dialog with the cancel button. From what I can tell, this dialog
> should only appear when launching in passive mode. I've looked at the WiX
> 3.0 sources for setupexe.cpp and found the following when it parses the
> command line arguments
>             else if (CSTR_EQUAL == ::CompareStringW(LOCALE_INVARIANT,
> NORM_IGNORECASE, &argv[i][1], -1, L"quiet", -1))
>             {
>                 dwUiLevel = INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE;
>             }
> Based on what I read on MSDN (
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa370389(VS.85).aspx),
> INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE is a quiet install
> Any idea how I can suppress the progress bars for the UI completely when
> launching the EXE?
> Jacques
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