On 11-Aug-11 01:31, JesseBearden wrote:
> Well, that makes sense then.  I had assumed that, but couldn't figure out why
> my uninstall worked and dropped the database, but I believe using the same
> username gave me "ownership" of that particular database, allowing me to
> drop it.

That's why the SQL custom actions run as the user, since generally the 
server's on another machine and you need a network id to get to the 
other machine (and many folks use Windows authentication on their 

> 1.  Bootstrapper - This works well enough, and is how the current version
> achieves the goal.  The issue is that repair won't not work properly(An
> issue our current installer has).  From all the research I've done over the
> past few weeks and my experience with MSI, it just seems like you're better
> off avoiding the reliance of a bootstrapper.

It ties you to the bootstrapper and a lot of IT folks want/need to run 
MSI packages directly.

> 3.  In this particular case the installation will only allow you to connect
> to a database on the local machine, so I think it'd be preferable for the
> custom action to run without impersonation.  In fact, changing the actions
> by manually editing the msi causes the installation to execute without
> error.  Is this possible using the wix sql extensions without manual editing
> after the fact?

You can copy the <Custom> and <CustomAction> elements out of the source 
for the SQL extension wixlib, rename the IDs, and change @Impersonate.


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