Hello all,

I am having some problems with an installation using Wix v3
During install of application I run

<Property Id="SETUPFOLDER">
<RegistrySearch Id="SETUPFOLDER" Root="HKCU"
Key="SOFTWARE\$(var.Company)\$(var.Product)\Common" Name="SetupFolder"
Type="raw" />

SETUPFOLDER is later used for setting the target of a shortcut in the start
menu. This works when I install or reinstall by running my bootstrapper
setup.exe which then starts the MSI package. But when applying patches for
instance or bypassig the setup.exe and running the MSI directly, then the
registry search returns C: or is just empty. When I check that path in
registry using regedit then I do find the correct value there but for some
reason the RegistrySearch fails and I can't figure out why.

Notable is that this error does not exist in Windows XP, but now as I have
been porting it to Windows 7 I noticed this problem. So basically the code
should work, but it doesn't do that in Win7 (only works if I go through the
bootstrapper exe)

Any suggestions?


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