Sasha Vasko wrote:
Philipp Lohmann - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg wrote:
Window manager does not implement an idea of its own. it simply provides

Of course it does. Else there would be only one window manager, not a
kwin, metacity and and an fvwm.

 user with the way to have a consistent interface throughout the desktop.
Window management specs never impose limitations on what decorations should be drawn and how. With more then a couple dozen window managers cropped up in the recent years and hundreds of themes available for each of them, user can have the most outlandish interfaces implemented.

Actually a user can't, just a theme developer. But that's probably
beside the point.

But what makes it different from apps doing it on their own is :
1) Consistency - all windows are treated consistently throughtout the desktop, unless user (not an app developer!) desires otherwise.

And why not an application developer ? If a window manager could
actually decide what a window should look like there would not be a need
for hints at all. OF COURSE the application developer has to have a say
in UI.

2) Specialization - By not having to worry about window management interface app developers can avoid certain (rather large at it) amount of work, which they will never be able to do well anyway. ( For example what good is minimize/shade button inside application if window manager arranges windows in tiles or tabs ?).

That's the theory. The gruesome reality always looks differently, more
along the lines you suggested yourself for xmms: give a hint to the WM
to have an undecorated window, the WM does not honor the hint, xmms gets
a decorated window and then should in your opinion react by displaying a
different UI ?

If you really want to try yourself at window manager's interface design - write a window manager, not an app.

Window manager's don't try to impose ideas about how contents of a window should be rendered, right? So why would an application try to impose its ideas on window manager ?

I'd say by requiring an application to change its UI depending on
whether the WM actually honors a request indeed seems to indicate a WM
that imposes the contents of the application window.

Let's not make this into a flamewar. I guess i will not convince you
anyway. But, please, have a little place in your heart for us
application developers that occasionally actually need the window
manager to do what they need. In the end what good is a window manager
without applications ?

Kind regards, pl

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing
that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly
go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at
or repair.   -- Douglas Adams

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