On Sat,  4 Feb 2012 at 21:00:07 +0100, Martin Dietze wrote:
> On Sat, February 04, 2012, Rodolfo kix Garcia wrote:
> > Probably the horizontal size shouldn't be fixed.
> +1
> For a rather simple layout like this one this is an advantage
> that should not be sacrificed without trouble.

Any idea how to implement that? 

> > The links in the buttons opens a new tab here too.
> The culprit is 'target="main"' at the links. Maybe leftover from
> the frame-based version.

Danke Martin!

Right now I'm updating a few things. In any case, there will be
a git repo with the webpage source for volunteers to help! :-)

If people out there know of some piece of information which
you'd like to see on the page, the best thing to do will be to
put it yourself :-)

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