El 12.06.2012 09:24, Carlos R. Mafra escribió:
On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 at  7:49:47 +0200, Rodolfo kix Garcia wrote:
>>To do it, I created two patches. The first patch breaks the
>>dependency between create+paint an icon. Now, if we create an icon,
>>we call "wIconCreate". If we needs paint it, then calls
>Your patch does not seem to quite match your description, you
>removed the
>paint_icon() call from wIconUpdate() and added it right after
>all 11 calls to wIconUpdate(). So it looks like this is related to
>"update" and not "create".

Yes. This is because wIconUpdate is used in two cases:

1. When the icon is created (wIconCreate), we call wIconUpdate to
finish the icon creation. Really is like wIconCreate is splitted in
wIconCreate and wIconUpdate.
2. When the icon changes in X11. When the icon changes, then we call
wIconUpdate. We don't need call wIconCreate, because the struct is
created and only the icon could be modified.

But... really we need paint the icon? For example, we need paint the
icon when is updated and no_appicon is set? IMO No. This is the
reason because I did this change, probably we need tweak it a little
the different cases and check if we need call always paint_icon.

Wouldn't it be better to simply check for no_appicon inside wIconPaint()
and return early if it is set? That makes more sense to me.

Yes! I will create a new patch with it this evening. This patch do the changes more visual (easiest), but your proposal is better++. Probably with your proposal (I need think about it) we don't need split the wIconCreate and wIconUpdate, but I am not sure.


PS. Carlos, you get the Yast2 icon?

I was already getting the correct icon before the patch too, since
updating to openSUSE 12.1 :-)

The problem is OpenSUSE then ;-) In Debian we don't have these problems :-P

But there is a problem with your patch. I don't have time now, but
the icons are not positioned at the botton left of the screen, they
are shifted around 100 pixels to the right.

Be careful with this problem. Sometime ago, I made some modifications and if we map the icon in X11 (even hidden), the space of the icon is busy for the icon, then X11 don't place icons in that place. Some of my previous patches prepared the code for this experimental patch, therefore this problem should not happen. An example of the problem:

1. We launch an application. The icon is shown.
2. Set the no_appicon flag. The icon is hidden.
3. If the icon is hidden, but mapped, the space of the icon is "busy"

These patches, I think, do the hidden+unmap and the show+map joined.

Please, be sure that we don't have this problem.

Thanks a lot for your comments!
||// //\\// Rodolfo "kix" Garcia
||\\// //\\ http://www.kix.es/

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