On 01/01/2016 10:48 PM, Paul Seelig wrote:
> For a good start of the new year, a first beta test version of the next
> 'Window Maker Live' release 0.95.7 based on Debian/Jessie has finally
> been uploaded to:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/wmlive/files/wmlive_0.95.7-0-beta/
Following up to myself:

Up until now i have received only one single feedback (thanks Jonathan!)
although by now this test release has been downloaded almost 500 times

Release of the final wmlive version 0.95.7-1 has now been scheduled for
Monday, 18th of January.

This weekend is your last chance to provide me with your findings about
the wmlive test release and contribute to hopefully prevent the release
from containing any still avoidable errors.

I am especially interested in feedback regarding you user experience in
the already installed system:

- Are there any programs missing?

- Are there any superfluous programs?

- Would LibreOffice be preferable over Abiword/Gnumeric?

- Does the Lighning addon work as expected in Thunderbird?

- Any other issues found during daily use?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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