The "x" in Mexico originated when the Spaniards couldn't pronounce the Nahuatl 
sound in that name, which is a sort of "sh" sound.  They also used "x" to 
indicate certain sounds in Arabic they couldn't pronounce - so that 
"Guadalajara" used to be spelled "Guadalaxara" .  Using an "x" is the older way 
of spelling these words.

Anyway I had Un Chien Andalou performed on me a few weeks ago when i got my 
eyeballs scraped smooth with a knife so i could see better.  It hurt like hell, 
but it worked:  i can see a whole lot better now.  And would like to see that 
Chien again myself.

woof guau,

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

----- Original Message -----
From: Ana Buigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, March 17, 2006 6:26 pm
Subject: movie reviews - buñuel

> today we are going to talk about buñuel's work. during the past 
> month i've been going through a buñuel phase.
> i've watched most buñuel movies available at the valencia public 
> library, although i couldn't find _un chien andaluou_, 1929 and
> _l'âge d'or_, 1930, which i had already seen a long time ago.  i 
> had probably seen these pieces before because i am a snob and an
> intellectualoide, although it might also be due to the fact that 
> i'm european.
> i've been watching:
> _los olvidados_, 1950
> _viridiana_, 1961
> _belle de jour_, 1967
> _tristana_, 1970
> _ensayo de un crimen_, 1955
> _el ángel exterminador_, 1962
> _le charme discret de la bourgeoisie, 1972
> although i still have much left to see, i have concluded that his 
> work differs from time to time.
> -some keywords are:
> *surrealism
> *sade
> *dreams
> *abject
> *poverty
> *mexico**
> *méxico**
> *méjico**
> *france
> *españa
> -some key words are":
> .oneiric world
> .social realism
> .social critique
> .ancient regime
> .the 20s
> .the 30s
> .the 50s
> .the 60s
> .the 70s
> .the bells (the sound of bells on moving animals)
> .folk tales
> .folk remembrances
> .death
> .self sacrifice
> -also, my partner and i had a problem watching _el ángel 
> exterminador).  I think the problem was that we were tired at the 
> end of
> the day, to watch such a movie. however, perhaps was due to both: 
> either we were as tired as the people in the movie who appear to
> go through an immobility-fatigue-somnolence spell, or the 
> characters of the movie transmitted us their sleepy feelings 
> through a
> tele-dvd tele-pathy.
> ** while mexicans (from mexico) write the name of their country as 
> 'méxico' but pronounce it
> 'méjico,' spanish (from spain) write the name of mexico as 
> 'méjico.'  mexicans don't like that we, spanish, write it just as 
> it is
> pronounced.

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