Yes, he used a swab and a dull, spatula-like knife.  He said the laser would cut too deep.  Only took about 3 minutes per eye, and has made an enormous difference.  My corneas were all ripply and distorted (genetic condition developed over years) so it was like seeing through a ripply water glass or something.  I should be getting my new glasses this week, as the prescription changed drastically (for the better) but these old ones are now a real strain.

It's good Catala has made a comeback; it's fascinating to listen to it (whcih i don't get to do very often here...) -


At 08:17 AM 3/20/2006, you wrote:
Thanks for this, John.  Yes, the "x" in Spanish has an interesting evolution history.  In the old texts (XV cent.) many things we
now write with "j" (the Arabic you mention) appear with "x".  Also some Catalán "x"s are "j"s and "g"s in Castilian and other
times they became "ch", and even "tx" in Catalán are "ch" in Castilian.


.x->ch (from Catalán to Castilian)
Elx--> Elche
name of the city in the South of Alicante, famous for the finding of the Iberian sculpture Lady of Elx

.x->g (from Catalán to Castilian)
name of a town in the Valencian region, famous for the finding of the Iberian sculpture known as Warrior of Moixent

xic i xica-->chico y chica


Also, John, was that performance you mention, something related to eye surgery, no laser, with a real surgery knife?  That sound
crude, but the important thing is that you can see better, all those letters:

x tx sh ch

3 E G C


* # @ !

b a r k



Re: movie reviews - buñuel

Sat, 18 Mar 2006 10:50:23 -0800

The "x" in Mexico originated when the Spaniards couldn't pronounce the Nahuatl
sound in that name, which is a sort of "sh" sound.  They also used "x" to
indicate certain sounds in Arabic they couldn't pronounce - so that
"Guadalajara" used to be spelled "Guadalaxara" .  Using an "x" is the older way
of spelling these words.

Anyway I had Un Chien Andalou performed on me a few weeks ago when i got my
eyeballs scraped smooth with a knife so i could see better.  It hurt like hell,
but it worked:  i can see a whole lot better now.  And would like to see that
Chien again myself.

woof guau,

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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