As a kid I used to wonder when they were going to finish building the highways and buildings -- wasn't for many many years that I realized it was a more or less never ending ongoing project!

How to study the city -- what a challening question. In a way the challenge is to clarify the question itself. What is the city, what are you trying to study -- what is puzzling you -- Don't mean this in a flip or condescending way. Wouldn't even mention it if I was not struck by the power of the description of Espoo -- something in it calls out to be studied (and not the least is the question of what is it that is calling out. Something is dieing and something is being born -- but that is too glib. Something there is I think Espoo wants to tell us

I picture a grid -- yes I know (so contrary to process and narrative) numbers, temperatures, counts of all sorts --lights at night traffic flows -- where are the churches, schools, mosques, transportation routes, economic patters, ethnic patters -- times sounds. OK this is crap -- but mostly just a note of admiration. sports, hospitals and police precincts.

But in the end -- not for the numbers or even the processes -- but for the life and the truths. What is universal in the story of Espoo -- a place of habitation.

Maybe just walk the length and breath of it and record your story --its story. How long how long and before that?

I look forward to your next installment -- and now I will shut up so as not to break the spell of the story.

----- Original Message ----- From: "J. Lehmus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: nowheresville -- everybody's got one

On Fri, 20 Apr 2007, Tom_ Lewis wrote:

There %is% a city center in Espoo?

yeah, isn't there? maybe not -- I kinda thought Tapiola was the "center -- if
you drive in on the highway, aren't there signs indicating a "keskus /
centrum"? not that a sign bestows centrality on a place...

There are three or four centers in Espoo, and Tapiola is one of them, the
oldest one. The adm,inistratice center is the Espoo Centrum which is located in the middle part of the area, by the old Cathedral, and virtually inaccessible
except by commuter train or a few bus lines. The administrative services are
divided between Tapiola and the Centrum, probably because a lot of those
services were already established in Tapiola before the time the Centrum itself
was built, in the 70s. Some of the main office buildings located within the
Centrum, are slated for demolition with no clear plan of any replacement. These
include the City Hall designed by some Polish or DDR architects.

I'm fascinated by the constant construction work going on in Espoo, the feeling
of temporality, thin layers of new culture built upon the earlier strata. I
want to study better the land use in Espoo, but haven't figured out yet how to
do this.


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