Can someone with a PC and IE check this site/page for me,

It has been behaving badly from day 1 my client is very old school and the best trouble shooting message I can get out them is "it doesn't work". They are unable to tell me what version browser is in use at the time the problems are occurring?

here's an example of the kind of message I'm getting, frankly I can't afford to lose any more hair over this one!
"I've had a look at the site and I cannot get onto the prices page either. It was interesting actuallyŠŠWhen I typed in the address to go to the site, it bought up a page full of text initially (no picturesŠjust big text of 'wedding photographers'), and then changed back to what it should look like complete with pics."

Obvioulsy I need as much info as needed to troubleshoot this, I'm sure there is some obliging person here who can help?

FWIW the page/s in question validate as does the CSS
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