I use BBedit, which has a comment function, it gives something like this:

/* #content p:first-letter */
/* { */
/*      font-size: 1.5em; */
/*      vertical-align: -5px; */
/*      text-indent: 2px; */
/* } */

On 13 Jan 2004, at 17:41, stuart wrote:

At 17:26 +1100 13/1/04, Alastair Weakley wrote:

It crashes safari for me, except when I comment out this bit:

#content p:first-letter
        font-size: 1.5em;
        vertical-align: -5px;
        text-indent: 2px;

Thanks Alastair, do you simply adding a comment before that statement such as
/*ignore this ie*/??

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