The client's description of:

"text initially" and "then changed back to what it should look like complete with pics"

sounds like the infamous FUSC , or Flash of Unstyled Content.

More info can be found here:

as well as a google search:


David McDonald
Web Designer
Melbourne, Australia


----- Original Message -----
From: stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 4:29 pm
Subject: [WSG] Big trouble!

> Can someone with a PC and IE check this site/page for me,
> It has been behaving badly from day 1 my client 
> is very old school and the best trouble shooting 
> message I can get out them is "it doesn't work". 
> They are unable to tell me what version browser 
> is in use at the time the problems are occurring?
> here's an example of the kind of message I'm 
> getting, frankly I can't afford to lose any more 
> hair over this one!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "I've had a look at the site and I cannot get 
> onto the prices page either.  It was interesting 
> actually??When I typed in the address to go to 
> the site, it bought up a page full of text 
> initially (no pictures?just big text of 'wedding 
> photographers'), and then changed back to what it 
> should look like complete with pics."
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Obvioulsy I need as much info as needed to 
> troubleshoot this, I'm sure there is some 
> obliging person here who can help?
> FWIW the page/s in question validate as does the CSS
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