Hi Nick,

I have Mac and Windows machines in front of me at all times for testing.
Browsers include:
Mac: saf1, camino.7, ie5, moz1.4, n7, nn4, op6 (7 total)
Win: ie5, ie5.5, ie6, n7, nn4, op7, moz1.4 (7 total)

I also use BrowserCam as a backup throughout most testing.

I think both options are great for different needs. Having a range of the
most common browsers locally means instant testing in fine detail. Also good
for seeing how dynamic components work. BrowserCam is very helpful as it
provides a wider range of more obscure browsers, and is an excellent tool
for showing clients final results.

I steer away from any virtual options (VirtualPC and Virtual PDA's) as they
may replicate browser bugs in different ways to the real browsers.

> ...and while the topic is raised. I'd be interested how others are
> doing their cross browser testing, browser cam, Mac with Virtual PC,
> multiple boxes, etc.
> Nick

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