Try looking at If I understand the description you gave of your layout. It is an example of what you are trying to do.

It creates a three column layout with a vertical line between the sections to divide the three columns.


Michael Kear wrote:
Thanks Russ.  You really are one of the good guys.  I was hoping there was a
way to do this without using graphics, because that requires that the
columns be fixed in width, but I guess you can't have everything. It's still
miles better than the site we had before.

Here you are at 1am Sunday morning talking shop on the net.  Just like me.
Looks like neither of us has a life. 

Thanks again.

Mike Kear

-----Original Message-----
From: russ weakley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, 1 February 2004 12:07 AM
To: Web Standards Group
Subject: Re: [WSG] Delimiting columns in a 3column fluid layout

Wrap the layout in two containers and place a background image inside each.
The first container has a background image 180px wide that is blank except
for a line along its right edge - to fake the left column border. Set the
background to repeat y.

The second container has a background image 180px wide that is blank except
for a line along its left edge - to fake the right column border. Set the
background to repeat y.

No matter how deep the content inside any column grows, the lines will
always grow with them.

Full step by step of how to do it here:

Finished sample here:

All you need to do is replace the graphics I have used with your own
versions - lines instead of solid backgrounds.


I am building a site in a 3 column fluid layout (with header and footer
divs) and I want to have a grey line between the columns to delineate
I know I can use a background graphic with a background-repeat:y;  to
the line, but the problem is different columns will be the longest in
different pages.  If I put a background graphic in the left and right
columns, that will draw the grey delimiter as far down the page as content
goes in those columns but there are is a problem with that approach:

The side columns have to be a fixed width and that sort of takes away some
of the 'fluidness' of the layout.

Is there any way to make both the grey column delineators go all the way
down the page to the top of the footer div at the bottom?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks

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Russ Weakley
Max Design
Phone: (02) 9410 2521
Mobile: 0403 433 980

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