I experience the same issue as Peter in Firefox with caching turned off.
(although I don't see a delay, I know it's loading a fresh copy of the image when the firewall winks at me every time I roll over tabs on the Fast Company web site.)

Here's a real purdy looking tutorial from Dan Cedarholm, note the comments bring up this very issue.

I agree with Peter, it's a clean way to handle roll-overs. And the majority of users might have caching turned on. Otherwise if you follow the link at the bottom of the Pixy tutorial, there's a simple band-aid.


Peter Firminger wrote:

I know I have my browser (IE 6 WinXP Pro) set to not cache anything, but this method doesn't work for me. Over a second delay on rollover and roll off with a blank space in the meantime. It makes no difference to a JavaScript preload at all. Much better code though so I'm not canning it.

    *From:* Michael Kear

    Using this technique you can get all the graphical/ 3d advantages
    of javascript rollovers, but instead of javascript it uses CSS to
    move an image around giving the rollover effect.

    The article’s at

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