Should be commented to show anything major done:



On Feb 16, 2004, at 07:08, LC 55 wrote:

Michael, Peter and Lucian appreciate the feedback. I'm still on a steep learning curve.

Firstly Michael, I was under the illusion if you tried to use the W3C CSS validator with a ".html" extension, you wouldn't have a hope of getting it to validate, as surely it is a ".css" only validator? Therefore how can it validate .html? (jigsaw validator, I mean).
You'll probably have a simple explanation for me, I hope so, as I'm getting a bit lost with this one.
As i said, I'm still quite green to this myself.

Also I know the CSS is untidy re: double ids etc. (still working on it).

New draft version at (where I have moved the background image to top right).

and the uncondensed CSS draft is at

Help with condensing the CSS would be very appreciated if any of you guys can spare the time.
Hope I'm not boring you guys to much, but I suppose we are all here to learn from each other.

Thanks again, JG

--- Michael Donnermeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's the issue in your #container:

margin-bottom: 0 auto;

You can't have two values here.  Correct ones would be::
margin-bottom: 0    or    margin-bottom: auto

Were you trying this maybe::    margin: 0 auto    (0 on top & bottom,
auto for left and right)

The CSS could use some cleaning, looks like there's some doubles in
there (ids) and alot of double stating on things like background in
some ids.


#container  {
                width : 100%;
     margin: 0 auto;
                background : url(img/xr.gif) repeat 100% 50%;
                background-repeat : no-repeat;
                background-position : 100% 100%;
                background-color : #d4dfd1;
                font-family : "Trebuchet MS", "Lucida Grande", Verdana, Arial,
                font-size : 0.9em;
                color : #333;
                line-height : 115%;

Two questions arise one you have it repeat, then you don't. You have it position 100% 50% then 100% 100%. The later of the two override the first ones. Be easier to condense everything into:

background: #d4dfd1 url("img/xr,gif") no-repeat bottom right;


On Feb 16, 2004, at 04:08, LC 55 wrote:

Thanks Lucian for the feedback. I am puzzled re: you writing, "The CSS doesn't validate". W3C validator was used and, the uri below validates it as CSS2. Hope the W3C were not just being kind to me! m

Strange one this.
So could you tell me where you tried the validation, please?

Appreciate you testing it for me.
Regards, JG

--- Lucian Teo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Looks great on IE / Mac, Safari and Firefox / Mac.

CSS doesn't yet validate though. :)


On Feb 16, 2004, at 4:01 PM, LC 55 wrote:

Hi all...

Anyone care to check - please.
I have a problem in IE 6 re: background image.
The image at bottom right moves slightly down the page when hovering
over footer links.

Does the same problem exist across other browsers?
Or are you finding any other problems?

Any help appreciated.
Regards, JG

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