I agree, it's a personal preference more than anything else. I can say from the butt-load of site's I looked at, the vast majority used the "goofy" style. I personally choose that way when I code because it's what I'm used to and comfortable with.

The one that drives me nuts is what someone called the "inline" style, which is a major pain in the butt to look through quickly when attempting to fix or change things. I've had quite a few redesigns recently where I had to run through the old stuff and it was in this format...I shoulda bought stock in Advil beforehand. The coding was very sloppy to say the least. My experience with that is it's a favorite among those ASP/M$ guys.

Only one site wasn't, and that site already utilized PHP and had clean clode everywhere (HTML, CSS, PHP, etc.) and was nicely commented. She was a breeze to redo and a pleasure...wish more went like that one did.


On Feb 28, 2004, at 22:18, russ weakley wrote:

Forgive me for sounding grumpy, but I think this sort of thing can go on too
long. We are not talking about standards or best practices now, we are
talking about personal preferences.

Whitespace inside a declaration block is ignored - so it can be used to lay
out rules or rules sets in any way you want. It comes down to personal or
production team choice.


I'll put my hand up for the "goofy style." It's my preference, my habit
- be it CSS rules, functions, CFScript, what have you.

In a team environment, I'd use whatever style made it easier for the
whole team to concentrate on the work at hand.

What's next? Space or tab indentation? :)


If I work on your stylesheet, I'll try to follow your style.
If I inherit your stylesheet, I'll format it my way.
If you screw up my stylesheet with weird formatting - I'll chuck a wobbly.

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