El mié, 03-03-2004 a las 19:05, Tonico Strasser escribió:
> > 
> Thanks Manuel,
> I wonder if version b is less accessible or standards compliant than 
> version a. It would be much easier for me to use version b.

If it validates, it's not less standard compliant than anything. As for
accessibilty, i would say that nested <ul> link together parent and
children terms.

> Is it just fashionable to use <ul>s for navigation? Which standard says 
> that a navigation should be a list?

There's no standards about semantic writing. It all comes down to
general consensus, good practices and ultimately designer's judgement. 
For me, navigation bars are unordered lists because they *are lists* of
terms. I think they could be <ol>s also. And don't get me started on
<dl>s ;)

> Who benefits from more semantic /navigation/? Maybe a XSLT designer?

Call me a pervert but i get a kick from elegant html sources :D

Manuel González Noriega
Simplelógica, construcción web  
    URL: http://simplelogica.net
    TELEFONO: (+34) 985 22 12 65
Logicola es el weblog de Simplelógica http://simplelogica.net/logicola/
</p>That's right. We said Frontpage.</p>

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