On Tuesday, March 30, 2004, at 03:57 PM, Miles Tillinger wrote:

I've managed to get it basically perfect in IE6, but there is small 2-3 pixel discrepancy in Mozilla and Opera (haven't had a chance to check on Safari yet *shudder*) down the left side of the right column. I'm guessing that its to do with how I've made the columns inside a column layout, but I can't work out a better way to do it.

You're worried about 2-3 pixels? I wouldn't be, unless it looks awful, just aim for "close and visually balanced" rather than "pixel perfect".

Furthermore, I'd suggest that Safari, Mozilla, Opera et al are "correct" and IE is "2-3 pixels out", not the other way around :)

FWIW, it renders the same in Safari and Opera 7.5Beta on Mac OS X.

Is what I am trying to do not suited to CSS positioning? Or is there a better way to do it?

Seems perfect to me -- you should be able to almost achieve everything (and then some) with CSS layout that you used to with tables, with the exception of tabular data, which should remain in tables.

Justin French

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