we relaunched theage.com.au today with improved markup and a css layout.
a couple of points of interest:
  • a big part of the redesign was improving the markup - ie: obviously using <h> tags and <ul> tags etc. still have a ways to go and it'll be a learning process for the many editors etc that maintain the site (which is why you may come across some irregularities in parts of the site). the pages pass thru soooo many sets of hands to make it to the live site (so be gentle :) eg: - information architects -> design (me) -> CMS/tech guys -> editors
  • the layout is centred and fixed width - mainly for editorial reasons/requests for tighter control over positioning and relationships between elements on the page (eg: pictures relating to headlines). the default css is for a layout that fits at 800 wide, then a script detects if you are browsing at 1024 wide or higher and loads a 1024 css layout (which just overrides some of the width values etc). this was to satisfy the need for tight control over the layout but to also try to optimise the layout for the ever growing 1024+ audience (stats below).
some interesting stats:
  • in the last month theage.com.au has had 1,718,644 unique visitors
  • browser stats for the last month
    • IE6 - 73%
    • IE 5.5 - 9%
    • IE 5.5 - 9%
    • IE 5.0X - 7%
    • Mozilla - 1%
    • Firebird - 1%
    • Safari - 0.7%
  • screen res stats for the last month
    • 1024x768 - 55%
    • 800x600 - 27.4%
    • 1280x1024 - 7%
    • 1152x864 - 3.3%
    • 1400x1050 - 1.35%
    • (those %'s wont add up - they are just the main ones :)
  • page weight (markup only)
    • yesterday - 65k
    • today - 37k
any thoughts/feedback/problems spotted appreciated -  as long as they're relevant to this list of course (if they're not feel free to email me directly).
Peter Ottery
Head of Design
f2 Network

(02) 8596 4450

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