Hi Chris,
re>> I dont know if its your intention, but some pages i loaded wern't centered...Like articles etc...
ah yes, i should've mentioned that. articles like this one:
 were actually published yesterday (and in the old format) - so all articles published from today onwards *should* look like this:
let me know if you spotted a new article that had a non-centred problem though.
as an aside, the print css isnt currently working either, it'll be fixed shortly.
it appears the current call to the print stylesheet...
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="" title="print" />
...was being ignored & when i changed that to...
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="" />
...it fixed the problem (removed the title and made the rel="stylesheet")
anyone know if thats a bug or an expected behaviour?

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