The first step should be a clear and unequivocal statement that we will not
write fixes for new non-compliant browsers. Design a new Browser by all
means, but make it compliant.

By "non-compliant" you mean that they do not adhere to the standards put down by the W3C whose role is the development of "interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential.".

The W3C puts out guidelines and specs very much like this standards list has guidelines for posting. However, funnily enough the guidelines (aka standards) for this list are probably more often ignored than the W3C guidelines. Now that's not a dig, just an observation that there are many reasons that browsers may not adhere fully, just as there are reasons people don't adhere to this list's guidelines.

Web browsers (or at least the underlying technology of a web browser ...thinking webkit on OS X or gecko, khtml, etc) are not just built by "some spotty youths in a garage in St Kilda". On the contrary those spotty youths are more likely to be developing web sites!

To encourage better standards we need to do just that...encourage. For example; introducing everyone you know to, e.g., Firefox, would probably do a great deal more for standards than spending time ranting on this list (although that might sooth an instant irritation). As is often pointed out, many people don't even know what a "web browser" is.

I just had to explain to a client, I'm developing a content management system for, what a browser was after I encouraged them to adopt Firefox to use for accessing the admin section (whilst adopting standards for the main site of course). Ironically, in the process of focussing on using non-standard browser, I had to introduce them to the concept of a world outside the Internet Explorer version (aka "the internet" ) that came with their operating system.

Then of course your next step is getting all the web designers/developers you know to develop with web standards, etc...then a loooooong way down the bottom of that list would be "Force Microsoft to adopt W3C standards"...


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