Well.. the standards are pretty clear on this subject:


among I can quote stuff like this:
"XHTML documents served as 'text/html' will not be processed as XML
[XML10], e.g. well-formedness errors may not be detected by user agents"

"The 'text/html' media type [RFC2854] is primarily for HTML, not for

"...many XHTML 1.0 files are actually served using the text/html MIME
type. In this case, the user agent will treat the file as HTML"

It seems pretty clear that if you serve a valid xhtml1.0 document as
text/html, it will be parsed as broken html by the standard sgml-parser.

Moreover, if the DTD is modulated (as it is if you include the dtd for
mathml) the mathml will be shown in plaintext, NOT properly rendered via
the xml-parser...

Basicly, if you can get away with sending as text/html, you really
shouldn't be using xhtml in the first place.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 09:23:43AM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have been following this discussion (belatedly)
>  It's all in the MIME
> http://www.juicystudio.com/all-in-the-mime.asp
> first paragraph:
> " There have been a lot of articles recently about web standards; in
> particular, using XHTML and serving it as text/html. Personally, I'm not
> that bothered whether people serve XHTML as text/html, but think it's
> important that authors understand why this is wrong. Although I'm not
> bothered about content developers serving XHTML as text/html, I don't agree
> with people encouraging content developers to deliver XHTML as text/html. "
> I  wondered what other memebrs on the list thought about it and its
> implications?
> with regards
> Steven Faulkner
> Web Accessibility Consultant
> National Information & Library Service (NILS)
> 454 Glenferrie Road
> Kooyong Victoria 3144
> Phone: (613) 9864 9281
> Fax: (613) 9864 9210
> National Information Library Service
> A subsidiary of RBS.RVIB.VAF Ltd.
> ******************************************************
> The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/
>  See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
>  for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> ******************************************************

Best regards (my first post, yay!)
Christian Sonne aka. FreakCERS
Stud. scient. math-phys at University of Copenhagen
Version: 3.12
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 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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