>Checked (OK)

>Safari 1.2.4 OS X (Mac)

>Opera 6.0.3 (Mac)

>Netscape 7.1 OS X (Mac)


>Minor bugs

>IE 5.2 OS X (Mac): extra padding added to the width of the left and right columns

>Screenshot: http://www.motive.co.nz/temp/041217-hoygrail.gif

>(could be a known CSS bug related to IE implementation of box model-padding and border added to width)

>See: http://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/boxmodelhack.html


Thanks very much for the screenshot, Andy!


I thought that I had already allowed for the box-model inconsistencies in my css code.  I’m wondering if 1E/MAC 5.2 doesn’t like the negative margins on the side columns?  Any ideas anyone?



Mani Sheriar

Sheriar Designs | www.ManiSheriar.com





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