I was wondering if any of you have any specific questions, queries, or comments regarding the development of IE, and more specifically, IE7 which may, or may not, come with Longhorn (before... if we're lucky)

Does Microsoft feel resposibility for the web?

Do they realize how much web traffic is wasted, because IE holds back web standards?
(according to stopdesign.net it's 950gb of junk markup *per day*, on microsoft.com alone)

What about fixing long-standing rendering bugs?

On http://positioniseverything.net/explorer.html you can find some nasty ones
(severly broken float model is my 'favorite')

On IE blog I've read excuses that such things need to stay for sake of compatibility.

Indeed funny it'd be when fixed IE would cease to be "IE-compatible",
but how long Microsoft can keep it's pet bugs?

Why 8 years is not enough to implement PNG transparency? (that's a popular question :)

-- regards, Kornel Lesiński

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