Microsoft has been hyping about web-applications more than you'd imagine, the MSDN Library is full of articles on the subject. 3 of the included posters in the 2003 edition are about web-applications.

They don't think about W3C-standards based applications. They are just using a buzzrword to push .NET apps.

But I'm convinced Microsoft will make IE7 support standards... why? Because VS 2005 supports the entire XHTML1.1 and CSS2.1 spec

They have to support some HTML, XML and CSS anyway, so that's not a problem to add few extra tags. Page you mentioned promotes layout table creator and shows some non-standard code...

Microsoft knows that there are web standards.
They used W3C to get help on creating technologies they needed,
but Microsoft doesn't *gain* anything from supporting other W3C standards.

They will support standards when they see cash coming from it, or when someone
forces them to do it.

How *Microsoft* would benefit from supporting XHTML and CSS2?


it just doesn't sell.

-- regards, Kornel Lesiński

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