Jacobus wrote:
I also tend to split my css in different files.

structure.css - keep all structure css
Text.css - all text related formatting
Small.css - used in style switcher to set text to small
Medium.css - used in style switcher to set text to medium
Large.css - used in style switcher to set text to large
Hacks.css - any hacks I might use to help IE ;)

I have my CSS split up according to task.

I begin with a very bare-bones CSS file called via <link> which then contains @imports for the following:

layout.css                      controls the structure.
typography.css          anything to do with fonts, decoration, etc.
colour.css                      just what you'd imagine.

In each file, the structure tends to mimic the flow of the document.

I find separating the styles like this can be useful when I need to go back later to change something small. If it's the colour of a specific element I need to change, I know exactly where to make the change.

There are some fuzzy areas though. If I add margins to an element, should that go in layout or typography? Margins, paddings and borders are kind of grey areas, I find.

Jeremy Keith

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