Zulema, good luck on your presentation.

Here's a point you might like to bring up .. .designing for the web is similar to, but not the same as designing for the printed page with glass in front.   

I'm doing contracting work at the moment and the designer I have to work with has a 'printed page' mindset.  He gets his knickers in a twist if the boxes on the screen arent always the right size, and if the gaps between one box and another are not pixel perfect and if the boxes arent identical in width.   It's because he thinks up his designs as though they're printed then converts that thought to the screen.  

He's bound to a life of frustration, because Macs are different to PCs in resolution and in colours.  Different machines have different resolutions, different preferences set etc.  His life will never be easy while he maintains his current mindset.

If he can let go of the notion that designing for the printed page and for the web are different disciplines, he'll have a much easier life.

He ought to start out knowing that he's going to have fluid layouts, colour variations between one machine and another, users who like fonts bigger or smaller than others and that they should be allowed to.   Then if he thinks that way from the beginning, the designs he comes up with will have that flexibility built in. Then his time writing html and CSS will be far easier and his sites will work far better.

You wouldn't approach designing a car the same way you approach designing a bus, even though they both have colours, upholstery, engineering, wheels etc.  And that analogy applies to web design as opposed to print design.  There are a lot of similarities but they arent identical jobs.

Good luck with the presentation - let us know how it goes.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia,
Macromedia Advanced Certified ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks

--------- Original Message --------
From: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
To: "Web Standards" <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
Subject: [WSG] web design presentation: advice?
Date: 12/04/05 02:36

Hi all,

I'm going to make a presentation to art students on an introduction to
web design and would like some advice (besides how to deal with the
butterfiles in the stomach). First the stats:


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