On 12 Apr 2005, at 3:39 PM, tee wrote:
What is the incentive for us to tell potential clients that web standards is
important and how many people in this group successfully using web standards
as selling point for their web design service. Do you increase your ballpark
as a result?

I find this simple question works really well to couch Standards in terms that clients can understand:

'Do you want your site to work yesterday, or tomorrow?'

Guess what the answer is, 100% of the time.

You can elaborate a little by explaining that Standards-based code will work on browsing devices that haven't even been invented yet - and that this will surely represent financial economy when a site doesn't have to be rebuilt for emerging technology.

As far as ballpark goes, no - I find myself still charging about the same for a site of given scope, but I also find that once I've got the page templates nailed, construction (and maintenance) is far easier - and quicker. So my hourly rate is effectively increased (when working to a fixed price for a whole site), but the client doesn't know that...

Omnivision. Websight.

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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