Thierry Koblentz wrote:
Patrick Lauke wrote:

<img src="/img/trans.gif" />
and use CSS background image for the "real" image, but then you may as
well use any other element (such as a SPAN in...whatever IR technique
I'm thinking of).

BTW, what would be the advantage of using a span rather than an img element?
And then using CSS declarations that may have SEO implications or, worst,
create accessibility/usability issues?

Ok, the IR technique I was referring to (now that I've checked) was the Gilder/Levin method which uses a span, and my point was: if you're using CSS to scale and apply background to what is essentially an empty/transparent image (a 1x1 transparent gif or whatever), then why use an image at all and not settle for a completely empty, neutral element like a SPAN (as happens in the Gilder/Levin technique)? Either way, you're adding extra markup to your HTML, so you may as well use something empty.

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |

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