You really need to give us the URL of the page that this occurs on so others can test it.

It's on my dev server. If you really want to see a test page (where the images aren't working and alot of the css is totally in outerspace right now) it's here.

 We also need to know os/ver and browser/ver it occurs on to emulate it.

OSX 10.3.9...Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, IE...

 Opening it as a local file is not a good test

Apparently so, because the test, at least for me, works when it's on my server. I should have thought of this one. There are a few validation errors right now as well...

Thanks for the advice Peter. I think I'm on the right track...just trying to get over some of the finer details so I can move forward (I'm competely rebuilding something that I've been using with clients for years en route to making it an open source thing).


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