I dont think Avalon and XAML will directly impact the production of
ordinary websites, but I think it may well stir up the world of web
applications. Yes you will be able to host an application using XAML
inside a web browser (presumably only IE?), but building a website
this way would be a little bit crazy and severely limit your audience.
Avalon will actually run on Windows XP as well as Longhorn - so there
is the potentional for it to be quite widespread - however that still
means that it'll be restricted to these two OS's which really isn't
good enough if you're dedicated to accessibility.

But, if you're in the business of building web apps that target a
specific platform...... :)

On 7/15/05, Paul Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I was reading the June 2005 issue of APC (Australian Personal
> Computer) magazine which has a cover story on unique features built
> into the long-awaited Windows "Longhorn" OS including the Avalon
> presentation system/user interface. This section really got me
> thinking:
> "The most important difference between Avalon and the current Windows
> display architecture is that Avalon is vector based. The vector
> structure allows scalable graphics (windows, fonts & icons), meaning
> designers can specify shapes and objects onscreen instead of mapping
> elements using pixels and x/y coordinates.
> In a nutshell, Avalon means developers are now free to code without
> considering the resolution of users' monitors. This ensures that apps
> developed in this environment will work on just about any display,
> from mobile phones and PDAs to wide-screen notebooks and high-end
> desktop systems".
> What does all this mean for the web standards community? Am I reading
> too much into this by thinking this is a seismic shift in the way we
> could be building websites in the future? In particular - what are the
> implications in the XHTML/CSS path versus something like Flash?
> I searched the archives and no-one seems to have asked this question
> to the list before? What are peoples thoughts...?
> Regards
> SkyRocket Design Co
> http://www.skyrocket.com.au
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