On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 11:46 +0100, David Nicol wrote:
> I would really appreciate your comments about our recently redeveloped
> http://www.salmonrecipes.net/ site.

Just quickly... wow.  I didn't know a site about fish could look so
good :P  Except for the flickery monstrosity at the top (banner ad
thing) that wrecks the effect somewhat, of course... can anything be
done about that?

For your "Buy Recipe Books" thing, you should perhaps consider doing
your images differently - either by using more meaningful ALT text ("the
cover of ...title..." rather than "book") or an empty ALT value or (best
option in my mind) change your markup a little bit so that under the
"Buy Recipe Books" H1 there is an unordered list, with the book image
set as a background (and indent the content with padding).

It's semantically defensible (it's a list of books you can buy), and
means you lose the probably purely aesthetic images of book covers from
your markup.

I'd also maybe reconsider your use of H1, but that's a purely personal
thing and I can't really argue the point too much!

The only other gripe I had was with your "Site Map // About Us // Terms
and Conditions // Disclaimer // Privacy Policy // Credits" line at the
bottom of the page... it really should be in a list.  You can recreate
the slashes with a background image and special "first" class or ID for
the first element in the list... there's also other ways to do it, but I
imagine that must be something screen reader users would get sick of
quickly: "site map slash slash about us slash slash..." (presuming
that's how it works?)

Aside from those fairly minor things, the markup is great quality and
the design is similarly alluring (and a nifty logo, if you did that!).

Kind Regards,
Joshua Street

Phone: (02) 9898-0060  Fax: (02)
Mobile: 0425 808 469

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