Julián Landerreche said:

> I have been reading few articles (like
> http://www.xs4all.nl/~sbpoley/webmatters/verdana.html) about avoiding
> Verdana font.
> But I cant get the whole point in this issue.
> So, please, can someone point me what am I missing about avoiding
> Verdana?

Honestly, I pretty much refuse to take heed of such advice when the guy's
website is so very, well, ugly!

He's saying - don't use Verdana because:

It's slighly larger in size to others fonts at the same size - eg Arial.
Thus a user without Verdana installed (not extremely likely currently) may
be viewing the text in another font, and that font may look too small on
the screen. Hmmmm. This would be why we use ems or percentages. So the
user can resize.

The article reads like a beat-up on Verdana for fairly obscure reasons.
I'd ignore it, for what that's worth.


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