Mike Brown said: > Thus a user without Verdana installed (not extremely likely currently)
I'm sure theres around 20% of people who disagree with you on that one Mike ;-). I think the real issue behind a lot of font sizing problems that articles like this one are referring to stem from IE 5 days. IE5 renders fonts larger than any other browser, and when PC only dev's would specify font sizes of 8 or 9 pt Verdana or similar, anyone not using that browser and that platform would get fonts about 6-7px tall. There is nothing wrong with using verdana per se, just make sure your pages are readable when that font is not available. kind regards Terrence Wood. ****************************************************** The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/ See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm for some hints on posting to the list & getting help ******************************************************