Kara O'Halloran - Eduka wrote:

I think if I set a base of 1em in the body it would solve my
problems, but then I have to apply font size 75% to make everything
the size I want it, and that would cause much the same problem as it
cascades down and potentially end up with really mini fonts
throughout the site...

Now, is there a way that I can cater for both browsers here?

You should at least start by setting the base in '%', to avoid a buggy
IE/win. The rest can be '%' or 'em'.

The exact value is your choice, but browsers have different 'tip-over'
points for recalculating '%' and 'em' to 'px' which they have to make
all font-sizes fit into. Experiment a bit to hit the middle ground down the cascade.

You'll have to set font-size on td, for IE/win.

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