On Dec 15, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Terrence Wood wrote:

encouraging your clients to look to other
design solutions that don't reply on the use of tables for layout

This is just completely unrealistic.

First, don't submit a design that you can't build. Otherwise, if you are not the designer, and have no choice but to build the design the client wants/approved, then you're stuck. The client, in the _vast_ majority of cases, is not going to care how you build anything. Just build the site he/she wants. Period. If you can do it in a standards- based way, all the better. But in my world, if the client approved a design, we have to build it _somehow_.

Of course, if a design left this office without saying "yes, we can do it" or "no way", there would be heck to pay...

2¢... well maybe 5¢... :)

Tom Livingston
Senior Multimedia Artist
Media Logic

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