On 02/02/2006, at 9:59 AM, Todd Baker wrote:
We are finding that the background images for our main navigation are
downloading last and as such the white text is unreadable untill the
background arrives .. almost last. The list that drives this is right
at the topm of the source code.

I've always found the download order somewhat unpredictable, particularly cross-browser. Generally the image you want most drops in last (I think its related to that butter and bread falling thing)

Just to be a naysayer, have you given consideration to the accessability issues of background images being Important? Derek Featherstone's "CSS Background Images: Naughty or Nice?" discusses it nicely. http://24ways.org/advent/naughty-or-nice-css-background-images (Hi Derek!)
Hope that doesn't make you scream too much :)

Lea de Groot
Brisbane, Australia
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