What did Felix advise?

"He's right as far as he went. There's another serious accessibility
problem he didn't touch on, plus a corollary, which you can see in the
screenshot. In your CSS is an accessibility issue, as well as one of
manners: 'body {font:75%...'.  Browser makers provide users with a
preference adjustment precisely so that they can optimize to the size
that best suits them. Your visitors are not interested in having you
rudely reduce content text size from their preference by some arbitrary
%. Even though your text is technically resizable, a WinIE visitor who
already has his text already set to larger or largest will be unable to
make your text larger or enough larger and thus big enough to read with
his text resizer widget. Let your visitors be able to use your site
without fighting through this rude and unnecessary basic
usability/accessibility obstacle. See:


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