> I would like to ask your opinion here, if a web site logo should or not
> link to the homepage.

Anecdotally, I've seen a lot of users who do click the logo -
especially if it's placed at the top left of the page. It's not a
standard, but it's a common design element which many users pick up
very quickly when they start using the net. I've actually seen some
users get angry when the logo *wasn't* a link.

I don't think it should be the only way to get back to the homepage
though, it's still good to include a visible "home" as part of
existing navigation (not added to the logo graphic).

I don't really see a better link target for a logo, either. A
company's logo is an icon of its identity, a corporate avatar so to
speak. The logical thing for a logo to link to is that company's
primary web presence - the homepage.

I think I'm more bothered by the tyranny of "logo at top left" ;) Not
that I'm that bothered by that either.


--- <http://weblog.200ok.com.au/>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not
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