What is the recommended way for linking back to the top of the page? I
can't link to the id of my H1 because of my CSS. The name attribute of
the A tag is deprecated/removed[1].  And while some people might say
"use the scrollbar or press Home" I'm wondering if anyone has
experimented with these:

1) Giving my BODY id="top" and linking to that seems to work but might
not be widely supported.
2) Linking to the undefined href="#" seems to be easiest, but is
semantically ambiguous and might have usability and browser support
3) The obvious thing is using an empty DIV or SPAN with id="top" but
empty tags seem like an ugly solution.

So what does conventional wisdom say is best?  Alternately, which is
most correct from a standards perspective?  Thanks!


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/changes.html#a_changes
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